Author name: Kayla Bornyk

Buying Guide: Level 3 Superfast EV DC Charger

Are you considering a Level 3 EV charger? In this guide, we provide you with all the essential information to make an informed purchase. This task might seem daunting if you’re new to the electrical world, but Traditional Electric is here to help. We will comprehensively discuss all aspects of a level 3 chager: from […]

Buying Guide: Level 3 Superfast EV DC Charger Read More »

Tesla Chargers: Mobile Charger vs. Wall Charger

As the world continues its shift towards electric vehicles (EVs), charging infrastructure plays a pivotal role in facilitating their widespread adoption. Tesla, a pioneer in the electric vehicle market, offers different charging options to cater to diverse user needs. In this blog post, we will compare two popular choices: the Tesla Mobile Charger and the

Tesla Chargers: Mobile Charger vs. Wall Charger Read More »

Can You Upgrade Your Hybrid Charger to a Level 2 Charger?

If you own a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), you might be wondering whether you can use a level 2 charger for home charging. The short answer is yes, you can. In fact, a level 2 charger is a great option for most PHEVs, as it provides faster charging than a standard 120-volt outlet. A

Can You Upgrade Your Hybrid Charger to a Level 2 Charger? Read More »

Your Electric Vehicle Battery in the Winter

When considering purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) in Canada it is essential to consider the amount of long-range drop you will have with our cold winters.  All Electric cars experience some degree of range loss in cold weather. This is referred to as Range drop. The amount of Range drop can be up to 50-60

Your Electric Vehicle Battery in the Winter Read More »

Things To Consider When Installing A Commercial EV Charging Station

Things To Consider When Installing A Commercial EV Charging Station As more consumers purchase electric vehicles it will become necessary for businesses across Canada to install commercial electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to meet this demand. There are numerous benefits for companies to install EV charging stations at their workplaces. On-Site EV chargers can provide

Things To Consider When Installing A Commercial EV Charging Station Read More »

What is the difference between a networked and non networked EV charger?

Non-Networked EV chargers do not access internet systems. With this system, you are not able to monitor usage and A non-networked EV charger allows the user free charging when plugged In. these are typically less expensive to purchase A networked EV charger offers full control of the units, including the ability to charge a fee

What is the difference between a networked and non networked EV charger? Read More »

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